Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

May 14, 2008

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

* PWCW previews Top Shelf's new webcomics initiative, Top Shelf 2.0.

* I quite liked this interview with Chip Kidd about his design work on a couple of new DC comic book series.

image* this brief profile of the latest Pat Oliphant show contains photos from the exhibit, which actually makes such a huge difference I now want all exhibit reports to come with at least five photos.

* there doesn't seem to me enough material to do a collective memory on last weekend's Emerald City Comicon, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read the written efforts of the comics industry's Nick Frost and Simon Pegg: Steve Lieber (and friends) and Jeff Parker.

* if you're interested in the latest Marvel numbers and the transcript of a telephone call where board members talk in very general terms about movie positioning strategy, this page is for you.

* I totally missed this NPR piece on the enduring appeal of Charlie Brown.

* not comics: Robert Rauschenberg has passed away.

* finally, the Marvel editor Tom Brevoort has started a series of blog postings about four of the core Marvel titles and the hows and whys of their appeal. Speaking of American superhero comics coverage, this interview with Marc Guggenheim cracked me up because all the questions seemed more like howls of displeasure over the basic concept behind Guggenheim's comic book.
posted 7:30 am PST | Permalink

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