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August 4, 2007

First Thought of the Day

Have you ever heard someone telling a Helen Keller joke and then you feel bad because you always get Helen Keller mixed up with Anne Frank, and no one should make fun of that poor little girl who was killed by the Nazis, and then you realize you had it wrong, and you feel bad for having mixed it up, because Anne Frank and Helen Keller have nothing in common at all, except maybe high school drama productions of their life stories per year, and then you feel worse because it makes you think that deep down this means you probably believe Helen Keller should be made fun of and Anne Frank shouldn't, and that's totally just wrong, because it's not like Helen Keller could hear you and totally get in your face, or really Anne Frank for that matter, which if nothing else just underlines how lame jokes are about either one.
posted 10:00 pm PST | Permalink

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